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Lysanne as a coach during your pregnancy

The birth of your child is a special moment, exciting, emotional and sometimes very intense.

My goal is to help parents and to be able to look back at the birth with a lot of positivity of their child. Unfortunately you don't always have everything under control, there are sometimes unexpected twists.

But due to good preparation and support, it does not have to immediately result in a negative one experience. To feel safe and supported as a woman in labor is essential for the birth. The chance of natural childbirth increases and the chance of complications decreases.

This is what I want to take care of as a coach, empower you to make the best choices for yourself create, provide a safe atmosphere and help with techniques that can contribute to a relaxed childbirth. I am there for the pregnant woman, but also for the partner.

If you start a coaching journey with me, this will start in pregnancy, mixed up to get to know you, to give you tips and tricks and to give shape to your wishes.

During the delivery I will be there as soon as you wish, I will be there during the entire delivery there for you, even if it takes longer than expected.

In the week after the birth we can talk again and I can for example help you with breastfeeding.

Research has shown that a more positive birth story contributes enormously to well-being of mother, child and even partner. In addition to the physical, we can't underestimate the contribution/impact of your mental wellbeing as well.

Our practice also has a strong scientific background, my husband Steffen has a PhD in developmental neurobiology, and listed a few scientific papers below if you are more interested in this.

Enjoy reading and hopefully see you soon!

Scientific papers

The benefits of relaxation during pregnancy

The importance of your environment to psychologically support birth

The effectiveness of a relaxation course in pregnancy: a 'clinical trial'

Relaxation techniques for pain management during childbirth



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